Hardwood Flooring

Elevate Your Business Space with Custom Hardwood Flooring

Are you looking to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your commercial space? Look no further than Custom Flooring, your trusted partner in premium hardwood flooring solutions for businesses. Hardwood flooring is a timeless, versatile, and sustainable choice that can truly transform your workspace.

Hardwood floors are a popular choice in commercial spaces due to their durability and attractiveness as well as great acoustic qualities to help boost sound insulation - making them perfect for restaurants or other busy and noisy spaces.

Create stunning, durable traditional and contemporary spaces, with solid, engineered, unfinished and pre-finished natural wood flooring.

What is Hardwood Flooring?

Hardwood flooring is a type of flooring material made from solid wood or engineered wood planks. It’s renowned for its durability, elegance, and the natural beauty of genuine wood. The primary types of hardwood flooring include solid hardwood and engineered hardwood:

Solid Hardwood: Each plank is milled from a single piece of wood, offering authentic and enduring beauty. Solid hardwood is known for its longevity and can be refinished multiple times to maintain its original lustre.

Engineered Hardwood: Comprising multiple layers of wood, with a top layer of real hardwood, engineered hardwood is an excellent option for businesses. Its layered construction provides stability and resists moisture, making it suitable for various commercial settings. Find out more about our Engineered Flooring here

Benefits of Hardwood Flooring

Durability & Longevity

Hardwood is one of the most durable flooring materials. It can withstand heavy foot traffic and is highly resistant to wear and tear making it a cost-effective investment for businesses.


Hardwood is an eco-friendly flooring choice, as it is sourced from responsibly managed forests. Choosing sustainable materials aligns your business with environmental values and demonstrates your commitment to a greener future.

Improved Air Quality

Hardwood floors don’t trap dust, allergens, or odours, promoting better indoor air quality. This is especially crucial for businesses, as a healthy environment can enhance employee wellbeing and customer satisfaction.

Elegant Appearance

Hardwood floors exude timeless beauty, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. They come in a wide range of wood species and finishes, allowing you to choose the perfect look to match your aesthetic.

Quick Installation

Custom Flooring specialises in efficient, hassle-free installations, ensuring minimal disruption to your business operations. Our skilled team will complete your project with precision and speed.

Easy Maintenance

Keeping your business clean and attractive is effortless with hardwood flooring. Regular sweeping and occasional mopping are all that's needed to maintain its shine and beauty.

Property Value

Investing in hardwood flooring can increase the value of your commercial property. When prospective clients or investors visit, the luxurious appeal of hardwood floors can make a lasting impression.

Customisation Options

We offer a wide array of wood species, stains, and finishes, allowing you to create a customised flooring solution that perfectly suits your business and design preferences.

Supreme Versatility

Hardwood flooring is suitable for a wide range of commercial settings, including offices, restaurants, retail stores, and more. Its adaptability makes it an excellent choice for businesses in various industries.

Expert Commercial Hardwood Flooring Fitters

All our wooden floors are fitted and finished by our expert team of contract flooring installers. We bring experience across all sectors including hardwood flooring in retail, educational and hospitality settings, as well as for large-scale residential developments.

As a reputable flooring installation company with years of experience, we are committed to providing exceptional craftsmanship and personalised service. Our dedicated team works closely with you to understand your unique requirements and deliver the ideal flooring solution for your business.

Elevate your business's image and ambience with the timeless beauty of hardwood flooring.

Contact our team today to learn more about our hardwood flooring options, book a free consultation and get a quote.

Commercial Flooring Excellence

Choose Custom Flooring Ltd for the best quality commercial flooring installation.
Your project is our priority, and your satisfaction is our guarantee.